We make a stop in Tepic for shopping and stay at an RV Park in town for the night before we continue to Mazatlan the next day. Originally we have supposed to stay 1-2 nights there but somehow it became 10 days.
Most of the people are Canadians who spend the winter here. They are very nice and friendly and integrate us in their community. Every evening we all meet at the beach to celebrate the sunset with a glass of wine or beer or whatever. On Saturday night is a big birthday party and everybody brings something for the buffet. Some people arrange for a band and we dance to live music and have a lot of fun.
We really didn`t want to leave but unfortunately, we meet friends from Germany in Tucson around Christmas and this is still a long drive of more than 1300km. From one day to the other we move our farewell but at some point in time we must say Goodbye with a heavy heart.
But after 100km we stay another two days at a nice RV Park on the beach in the middle of nowhere. Long distance drives are not really our favorite and so we must first save enough energy and motivation for 3-4 intervals of more than 300km per day.
But then the time comes. After more than one year in Central America and Mexico we cross the border to the United States. Something which was a complete unknown for us now really touched our hearts. Especially the Mexicans with their friendly and helpful attitude are really unbelievable and we will miss them for sure. But at the moment it looks like that we come back to Northern Mexico and the Baja California next year for the winter. Now we look forward to the US and are curious how we are doing. We have already seen a lot of it in the past with rented RVs but now we have our own car and can explore different regions without narrow time limits. So, you can look forward to interesting blogs and nice pictures. Until then. Hasta Luego.

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